Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab, provides scientific manuscripts of research results in the field of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics. This issue has been available online since 27th May 2024. All articles in this issue (20 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 64 authors from 21 affiliations and 2 countries (Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam).
Table of Contents
Using ChatGPT in Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9413
| Abstract views : 611 times
Nasaruddin Nasaruddin
Unlocking Potential: Rethinking MBKM Curriculum Reformation with Constrained Resources in Arabic Education Study Program
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.8813
| Abstract views : 340 times
Ahmad Rifa'i, Maziyyatul Muslimah
The Development of Teaching Materials for Science of Nahwu Muyassar by Syauqi Dhoif Using a Constructivist Approach for Beginners at Islamic Boarding School
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9346
| Abstract views : 211 times
Nurul Hana Mustofa, Mamluatul Hasanah, Miftahul Huda
Code-Mixing of Language in Student's Daily Conversations at Islamic boarding school
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9031
| Abstract views : 286 times
Abdul Kirom, Moh Ainin, Mualim Wijaya, Uswatun Hasanah, Luthfatul Qibtiyah
The Development of Google Sites-Based Learning Multimedia to Enhance Students’ Competence in Vocabulary Translation
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.8776
| Abstract views : 377 times
Asep Maulana, Ahmad Tarajjil Ma'suq
| Website Innovation as a Nahw Learning Media at Ar-Rohmah Integral High School of Malang
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9635
| Abstract views : 237 times
Muhammad Haddad Richard, Anisatu Thoyyibah
Feasibility of Web-based Digital Arabic Gamification Media for Islamic Junior High School Students
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.8946
| Abstract views : 235 times
Jamaluddin Shiddiq, Ahmad Zubaidi, Muhammad Nur Kholis, Rokhani Rokhani
The Design of Quartet Card Game Integrated with Augmented Reality for Sharf (Morphology) Learning Media
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.8790
| Abstract views : 272 times
Tsania Khoirunnisa, Mohammad Ahsanuddin
Educators' and Learners' Responses to Optimising the Development of Arabic Teaching Module Based on the Merdeka Curriculum
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9878
| Abstract views : 291 times
Fateh Al Muhibbin, Muhammad Afif Amrulloh, Yeni Lailatul Wahidah, Asti Fauziah, Dessy Sintari Daoed
Review of Arabic Autocorrect System in Sahehly Application
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9843
| Abstract views : 240 times
Andini Nuraisyah, Farha Fuada, Kisno Umbar
A Need Analysis for Developing Arabic Writing Materials: A Study at Higher Education Institution
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9825
| Abstract views : 239 times
Rustamaji Rustamaji, Anhar Anhar, Riza Nurlaila, Muh Rifki
The Application of the Qarshun 'Ajibun Media in Students' Understanding of the Nahwu (Grammar) Subject
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9741
| Abstract views : 203 times
Nailul Izzah, Nia Indah Purnamasari, Ahmad Arifin, Nurhapsari Pradnya Paramita, Endang Munawar
The Implementation of Multistrategy Approach in Improving Arabic Language Skills at Medan Health Polytechnic Nursing
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9684
| Abstract views : 202 times
Kamalia Kamalia
Inequality of Arabic Subjects in the General Education Curriculum in Indonesia
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9655
| Abstract views : 223 times
Rahmap Rahmap, Achmad Yani, Midyan Surya Ishak
Arabic Interference in Manuscript of Hadza Kitab Mujarrobat: A Study of Arabic Philology and Sociolinguistics
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9496
| Abstract views : 213 times
Ardiansyah Ardiansyah, Sahrani Sahrani, Dinda Izzati
Interpreting Arabic-Indonesian Grammatical Linguistic Symbols in Yellow Book Learning: Semiotic Analysis
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9444
| Abstract views : 246 times
Fajar Alamin, Asep Sopian, Nunung Nursyamsiah
Innovation Discrete Approach Based on Arabic Language Test Assessment
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.8992
| Abstract views : 168 times
Eliana Pangestika, R. Umi Baroroh, Salma Lulu Maknuna
Follow The Line: Development and Design to Upgrade Materials for Teaching Writing Skills for Students
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9256
| Abstract views : 203 times
Faisol Faisol, Riski Janu Saputra, Devi Rafika Sari, Uril Bahruddin
Optimizing Arabic Text Listening Skills through the Numbered Head Together Strategy
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9082
| Abstract views : 259 times
Khairul Mizan, Muassomah Muassomah, Lapas Zoni, Ahmad Iqbal Alkampary, Wachida Muhlis
Increased Understanding of Nahwu through Innovation in the Application of Direct Methods: Experimental Studies on Arabic Language Students
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v8i1.9434
| Abstract views : 238 times
Ahmad Afandi, Muhammad Fadhlan, Ahmad Fikri, Mahbub Humaidi Aziz