
Issue Title
Vol 7, No 1 May (2023) Istiratijiyyat Ta’lim al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyyah ‘Ala Asas Takamul al-Manhaj fi Dhu’i Tashnif Bloom Abstract  PDF
Suci Ramadhanti Febriani, Imam Asrori, Sutaman Sutaman, Kddour Bedra Guettaoui
Vol 2, No 2 December (2018) Analisis Buku Ajar Bahasa Arab Madrasah Aliyah Kurikulum 2013 Abstract  PDF
Sutri Ramah, Miftahur Rohman
Vol 8, No 1 May (2024) Educators' and Learners' Responses to Optimising the Development of Arabic Teaching Module Based on the Merdeka Curriculum Abstract  PDF
Fateh Al Muhibbin, Muhammad Afif Amrulloh, Yeni Lailatul Wahidah, Asti Fauziah, Dessy Sintari Daoed
Vol 6, No 2 November (2022) Integration of Prismatic Science and Development of Arabic Education Master Curriculum Abstract  PDF
Erlina Erlina, Idham Khalid, Ahmad Bukhari Muslim
Vol 4, No 2 November (2020) Thathbiq al-Taqyim al-Waqi’i bi al-Manhaj al-Dirasi 2013 Fi Ta’lim al-Lughah al-‘Arabiyah Abstract  PDF
Umi Hanifah, Imam Mahmudi
Vol 4, No 1 May (2020) Pemanfaan Neurosains dalam Desain Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa Arab Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Ilfan Fauzi
Vol 8, No 1 May (2024) Inequality of Arabic Subjects in the General Education Curriculum in Indonesia Abstract  PDF
Rahmap Rahmap, Achmad Yani, Midyan Surya Ishak
Vol 8, No 1 May (2024) Unlocking Potential: Rethinking MBKM Curriculum Reformation with Constrained Resources in Arabic Education Study Program Abstract  PDF
Ahmad Rifa'i, Maziyyatul Muslimah
Vol 2, No 1 June (2018) Analisa Kebutuhan Sebagai Konsep Dasar dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum Bahasa Arab di MAN Curup Abstract  PDF
Nurjannah Nurjannah
Vol 2, No 1 June (2018) Kurikulum Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di Perguruan Tinggi Abstract  PDF
Fatwiah Noor
Vol 8, No 1 May (2024) A Need Analysis for Developing Arabic Writing Materials: A Study at Higher Education Institution Abstract  PDF
Rustamaji Rustamaji, Anhar Anhar, Riza Nurlaila, Muh Rifki
Vol 6, No 2 November (2022) Implementation of Quality Management Curriculum in Arabic Learning Abstract  PDF
Muhammad Afthon Ulin Nuha, Nurul Musyafa’ah
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