1. Citation and Referencing Standards

Al-Falah: Journal of Islamic Economics follows the Chicago Manual of Style (17th Edition), Notes and Bibliography System (commonly known as the footnote system).

  • Footnotes must be used for in-text citations instead of parenthetical references.
  • A full bibliography must be included at the end of the manuscript.
  • The first citation of a source must include complete details, while subsequent references can use a shortened version.

2. Reference Management Software

Authors are encouraged to use reference management software to ensure accuracy and consistency. Recommended tools include:

  • Zotero
  • EndNote
  • Mendeley
  • RefWorks

3. Minimum and Maximum Number of References

  • Original research articles: At least 20 references, including primary and secondary sources.
  • Review articles: At least 30 references, reflecting a broad engagement with the literature.
  • Case studies and conceptual papers: At least 15 references.

4. Sources and Quality of References

  • At least 60% of references must be from peer-reviewed journal articles, preferably from reputable databases (Scopus, Web of Science, DOAJ, etc.).
  • Authors should prioritize recent publications (preferably from the last 10 years) unless citing seminal works.
  • References to non-academic sources (e.g., blogs, Wikipedia) should be avoided unless necessary.

5. Chicago Citation Format (Footnotes and Bibliography)

Footnotes (First and Subsequent Citations)

Footnotes should appear at the bottom of each page, numbered consecutively in superscript. The first citation must be complete, while subsequent citations can be shortened.

Example (First Citation):
¹ John L. Esposito, Islam and Economics: A Global Perspective (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020), 45.

Example (Subsequent Citation):
² Esposito, Islam and Economics, 47.

Bibliography Format

The bibliography should be arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name and should not use numbered entries.

Journal Article:
Choudhury, Masudul Alam. “Islamic Economics and Globalization: A New Perspective.” Journal of Islamic Economic Studies 15, no. 2 (2021): 55–72.

Esposito, John L. Islam and Economics: A Global Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.

Chapter in an Edited Book:
Ali, Syed Nawab Haider. “Islamic Banking Principles in Modern Finance.” In Advances in Islamic Finance, edited by Hasan Yusuf, 25–40. London: Springer, 2021.

World Bank. “Global Islamic Finance Trends.” Last modified January 15, 2023.

6. DOI and Online Sources

  • If available, DOI links should be included in the bibliography.
  • Online sources must include a retrieval date if content is subject to change over time.

7. Citation Integrity and Ethical Considerations

  • Authors must ensure accuracy and consistency in citations.
  • Self-citation should not exceed 15% of total references.
  • Citation manipulation (excessive citation of a single author or source) is discouraged.

8. Reference List Formatting

  • Arrange entries alphabetically by the author's surname.
  • Use hanging indent format in the bibliography.
  • Ensure all footnote citations have corresponding full references in the bibliography.

9. Submission and Review Process

  • Manuscripts with improper citations or formatting errors will be returned for revision before peer review.
  • The editorial team reserves the right to reject manuscripts with poor citation practices.

10. Reference Cross-Checking

  • All references will be cross-checked using tools like CrossRef, Google Scholar, or Scopus to ensure accuracy.

11. Updates and Amendments

Al-Falah: Journal of Islamic Economics reserves the right to update this References Management policy as needed to comply with academic integrity standards and best practices.

This Chicago (Footnote) References Management policy ensures clarity, consistency, and compliance with scholarly publishing standards. Let me know if you need modifications!