1. Definition of Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work, ideas, or expressions without proper acknowledgment. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Copying text, images, tables, or figures from other sources without proper citation.
  • Paraphrasing substantial portions of another work without attribution.
  • Self-plagiarism (duplicate publication) by reusing one’s previously published work without proper disclosure.
  • Submitting content that has been translated from another language without appropriate citation.

2. Plagiarism Detection

  • All submissions to Al-Falah: Journal of Islamic Economics are screened for plagiarism using advanced plagiarism detection software (e.g., Turnitin, iThenticate, or similar tools).
  • The similarity index threshold for consideration is no more than 20%, excluding references and properly quoted text.
  • Manuscripts with more than 20% similarity will be immediately returned to the authors for revision or rejected outright, depending on the severity of plagiarism.

3. Types of Plagiarism and Consequences

Type of Plagiarism Description Action Taken
Minor plagiarism Small portions (e.g., a few sentences) are copied without citation. Authors are warned and required to revise the manuscript.
Moderate plagiarism Large sections are copied without proper attribution, or improper paraphrasing is detected. The manuscript is returned for major revision and must be resubmitted with corrections.
Severe plagiarism Full paragraphs or the majority of the manuscript are copied from another source, including self-plagiarism. Immediate rejection and possible blacklisting of the author(s) from future submissions.
Duplicate publication The manuscript has already been published elsewhere with minor modifications. Immediate rejection and notification to the original publisher.

4. Self-Plagiarism and Redundant Publication

  • Authors must not submit manuscripts that significantly overlap with their previously published work unless a proper citation and justification are provided.
  • If duplicate publication is detected after acceptance, the article will be retracted and flagged in the journal’s records.

5. Ethical Responsibility of Authors

By submitting a manuscript, authors declare that:

  • The work is original and has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
  • Proper citations and references have been provided for all borrowed content.
  • They take full responsibility for any ethical violations related to plagiarism.

6. Editorial Actions Against Plagiarism

If plagiarism is detected at any stage:

  • Before publication: The manuscript is either returned for revision or rejected.
  • After publication: The article may be retracted, and a public retraction notice will be issued on the journal’s website.

7. Reporting Plagiarism

  • If plagiarism is suspected in a published article, complaints should be directed to the editorial office at [email address].
  • The journal will conduct a thorough investigation and take necessary action following COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines.

8. Updates and Amendments

Al-Falah: Journal of Islamic Economics reserves the right to update this plagiarism policy as needed to comply with academic integrity standards and publishing best practices.