Vol. 7 No. 2 November (2023)
Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab, provides scientific manuscripts of research results in the field of Arabic Language Teaching and Linguistics. This issue has been available online since 17th November 2023. All articles in this issue (20 original research articles) were authored/co-authored by 65 authors from 26 affiliations and 5 countries (Indonesia, Egypt, Spain, Turkey and Malaysia).
Hacking Threat in Arab Cyberspace: How al-Hākirz al-Muslimūn Construct Narratives against Zionists and Anti-Islamists
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v7i2.8156 Abstract View : 0 PDF downloads: 0 Similarity Check's Result downloads: 0 -
Higher, Medium and Lower Order Thinking Skills in the Book al-‘Arabiyah Baina Yadaik
DOI : 10.29240/jba.v7i2.8414 Abstract View : 0 PDF downloads: 0 HIGHER, MEDIUM AND LOWER ORDER THINKING SKILLS IN THE BOOK AL-ARABIYAH BAINA YADAIK downloads: 0