Applying Positive Psychology Principles in Islamic Education: A Conceptual Review
Positive psychology, Islamic education, student well-being, teaching strategies, intervention methodsAbstract
This study was conducted to address the lack of understanding regarding the effective application of positive psychology principles within Islamic education. The aim of the research is to integrate these principles to enhance student well-being and to identify effective strategies and methods for their implementation. The methodology employed includes literature review and bibliometric analysis to collect and analyze data from various academic sources. Data collection was carried out through systematic searches, while data analysis employed both qualitative and quantitative approaches, including bibliometric analysis. The key findings indicate that principles such as happiness, optimism, and meaningfulness have been successfully implemented through various strategies and methods, including curriculum integration, interactive learning activities, and intervention programs such as mindfulness and mentoring. The implications of this research are significant for educators and policymakers. Trained teachers can create more inclusive and supportive learning environments, while policymakers can utilize these findings to design training programs and curricula that enhance student well-being. This study makes an important contribution to the literature on Islamic education by identifying effective strategies and methods for integrating positive psychology principles. In conclusion, the application of positive psychology principles in Islamic education can improve student well-being and academic achievement. It is hoped that the findings of this research can be implemented to create a more holistic and supportive learning environment.
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