Moderasi Beragama: Arah Baru Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)

Rahmad Hidayat


This study aims to examine the essence of the Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) number 183 of 2019. KMA 183 of 2019 concerning the Islamic and Arabic religious education curriculum in Madrasah is set by the Minister of Religion to be implemented starting from the 2020/2021 academic year. Various issues are milling about this, one of which is the issue of the abolition of Islamic religious education lessons. Researchers studied with a descriptive qualitative approach using content analysis techniques. Examine what strengthening is done through this policy. The results show that KMA 183 2019 was born through an in-depth study. Systematic and measurable reinforcement. Aspects of attitude and behavior as the goal of Islamic religious education are emphasized. Moderate behavior is one of the strengthened goals.


PAI; KMA 183 2019; Strengthening

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