Model Example Non Example Dalam Pembelajaran Tajwid

Partono Partono, Hamengkubuwono Hamengkubuwono, Jeny Fransiska


The problem that often occurs to teachers when teaching is that many students are less eager to learn. Therefore, it is necessary to have a new innovation from a teacher to overcome this, namely by using the example non-example model, which is a learning model that uses an image display to be analyzed, where the learning model is aimed at student activeness that allows the teacher to stimulate student enthusiasm by making their vital organs move and focus on tajwid learning in the TPQ Hikmatun Najah Blora so that students can be more active because they themselves will play a role in analyzing the image of verse fragments. This study is included in the category of descriptive qualitative research with the data obtained sourced from primary data sources, namely research main data obtained directly from research data sources namely respondents by interview, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the use of the example non-example model in Tajweed learning at TPQ Hikmatun Najah Blora adds more effectiveness because it can affect student learning outcomes because students become active because it raises the student's thinking and critical thinking so that it raises a high curiosity towards the material delivered.


learning model; example non-example; learners; liveliness; Tajweed.

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