The Effect of Applying Arabic Translation Techniques on the Translation Quality Assessment of Al Jazeera Captions on TikTok Social Media

Farrah Chaiya Mas, Muhammad Yunus Anis


The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of accuracy of Arabic caption translation on TikTok @aljazeera social media from the perspective of techniques and types of captions used to ensure whether the results of caption translation with the source language, namely Arabic on TikTok @aljazeera social media can be well received by readers in the target language, namely Indonesian. TikTok is one of the popular social media platforms today where the Qatari news account, @aljazeera, shares news in Arabic with captions to explain the uploaded videos. The data in this study are captions on TikTok @aljazeera social media which amounted to 66 data in Arabic and translated into Indonesian which amounted to 66 caption data. This research uses a qualitative descriptive linguistic design. Data collection was carried out by observation from July 1, 2023 to July 31, 2023. Data analysis used Spradley's model, such as: domain analysis, taxonomy analysis, componential analysis, and cultural theme analysis. The results of this study show that the types of captions in @aljazeera are: (1) identification, (2) story-telling, (3) summary, (4) quote, and (5) cutline. The findings and analysis of caption translation techniques in TikTok @aljazeera are: (1) conventional equivalence, (2) reduction, and (3) borrowing. The quality of translation in terms of accuracy is 32.27%, acceptability is 34.43%, and the readability aspect is 33.29%. The contribution of this research shows that the reduction technique has a significant impact on the decrease of translation quality assessment.


Caption type; translation technique and quality assessment; TikTok; @aljazeera

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