Aqidah and Akhlak Education in Abdurrauf As-Singkili's Thought

Hasan Bakti Nasution, Budiman Budiman, Amiluddin Amiluddin


This study aims to analyze: 1) Abdurrauf As-Singkili's thoughts on Akhlak Education, 2) the implementation of Abdurrauf As-Singkili's thoughts on Moral Education at the Sheikh Hamzah Al-Fansyuri Islamic Boarding School. This type of research is qualitative, and the approach used in this research is qualitative naturalistic, this approach intends to make a description (description) of an event systematically and objectively, by collecting, evaluating, verifying, and synthesizing evidence to support facts in order to obtain a conclusion. The results of the study show that: 1) Abdurrauf As-Singgkili's Thoughts About Moral Education: Abdurrauf's view is clear how important morality is in one's life. In outline, this study has two main sides, namely: First, morality is seen from its substance. Second, morals are seen from the aspect of their position in Islamic law. Substantially, moral teachings are inseparable from Islamic teachings, in fact they are quite an essential part, and this is also related to human nature itself. 2) There are three media of Sufism education from the thought of moral education that are implemented at the Syekh Hamzah Al-Fansyuri Islamic Boarding School in fostering the morals of students, namely through learning in the classroom, extra-curricular activities and independent training. According to Al-Ghazali the stages in moral development through the teachings of Sufism by using takhalli (removing reprehensible qualities), tahalli (filling it with praiseworthy qualities) and tajalli (revealing the veil). However, in practice, students at the Sheikh Hamzah Al-Fansyuri Islamic Boarding School have not yet reached the tajalli stage.


Pendidikan Akidah Akhlak; Pemikiran

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