Hubungan Kesepian Dengan Nomophobia Pada Mahasiswa Rantau Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Riau
Nomophobia is a pathological fear that occurs when moving away from a smartphone and an internet connection. A person can be said to suffer from nomophobia when they feel anxious when leaving the house without bringing a smartphone and losing or running out of battery and their internet network. One of the factors that influences nomophobia is loneliness. The aim of this research was to determine the relationship between loneliness and nomophobia in overseas students of the psychology faculty at Riau Islamic University. This type of research is quantitative with a correlational approach. The scale used is a nomophobia scale consisting of 22 items based on the theory of Yildirim and Correia (2015). Loneliness was measured using the UCLA loneliness scale version 3 developed by Russell and Taylor (1996) consisting of 20 items. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. with the criteria of overseas students from the Faculty of Psychology, Riau Islamic University with a total of 280 samples. Based on research conducted on overseas students at the Faculty of Psychology, Riau Islamic University, it was found that there was a significant positive relationship between loneliness and nomophobia. It can be seen from the results of the analysis using correlation techniques that the correlation coefficient between patience and academic stress is (r) = 0.483 and it is known that the significant value is 0.000<0.05. This proves that there is a positive relationship between loneliness and nomophobia. This means that the higher the loneliness, the higher the level of Nomophobia in overseas students at the Faculty of Psychology, Islamic University of Riau, and vice versaDownloads
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