The Power of Spiritual Motivation: A Conceptual and Theoretical Review of Arabic Language Learning


  • Toto Edidarmo Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Achmad Fudhaili Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Rizal Mahfuzo University of Michigan, United States



Theoretical concept, spiritual motivation, approach to learning Arabic


This study aimed to explore the basic concept of Arabic learning based on spiritual motivation as a new approach to learning Arabic in Indonesia, where most of the population is Muslim. In Indonesia’s learning context, Arabic has a dual role as a means of communication and a tool to explore various kinds of Islamic knowledge. This study used descriptive analysis and document analysis methods, by examining various kinds of Arabic scientific literature and learning methodologies and educational documents unique to Indonesia. This study’s results indicated that students’ motivation to learn Arabic pedagogically is to get closer to Allah SWT and love the Prophet. In the development of Arabic, spiritual motivation can be applied to three things, namely learning achievement indicators seen from the level of obedience to Allah and social interactions, the learning process which includes the visualization of Islamic sacred symbols, textbooks whose sources are adapted from the Al-Quran, Hadith, and the advice of Ulama’. Learning Arabic in a spiritual context can encourage a greater interest in learning it and promote its use as a medium of communication and expression as well as being a medium of getting closer to God.


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Author Biography

Muhammad Rizal Mahfuzo, University of Michigan



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How to Cite

Edidarmo, T., Fudhaili, A., & Mahfuzo, M. R. (2023). The Power of Spiritual Motivation: A Conceptual and Theoretical Review of Arabic Language Learning. Arabiyatuna: Jurnal Bahasa Arab, 7(1 May), 315–344.




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