The Dialectic of Polygamy in the Thought of Classical and Contemporary Ulama: An Analysis of the Evolution of Islamic Legal Views on the Practice of Polygamy

Shafra Shafra, Arsal Arsal, Zul Efendi, Rahmiati Rahmiati, Hasiah Hasiah


This article analyzes the dialectics of polygamy sharia among classical ulama and the contemporary era. Polygamy in the contemporary era is questioned, even rejected. Because there are currently no widows of war victims, these opinions seem to be against the polygamy verse. The text of the Qur'an in verse 3 of Surah an-Nisak shows the possibility and possibility of polygamy for capable husbands. This paper aims to conduct a Sharia analysis of polygamy in the contemporary era, an analysis of the evolution of Islamic legal views towards the practice of polygamy. This type of study takes literature research using qualitative descriptive methods. Data was collected from various journals, books and related tafsir books. Next, it is analyzed deductively. The result of the study concludes that in terms of text and context, polygamy is not prohibited, nor is it recommended. In addition, the social context of polygamy used to be related to widows of war victims. This does not limit polygamy just because of social conditions. In context, polygamy is a solution to help women, whether they are widows or not. The practice of polygamy in the contemporary era depicts pain and sadness. This shows that polygamy is carried out not based on sharia norms. If polygamy provisions are ignored, it will result in hurt and sadness.


Dialectics; Polygamy; Contemporary Era

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