Homoseksual Menurut Buku “Reading The Quran” Karya Ziauddin Sardar

Yuni Asih


Homosexuals According to Ziauddin Sardar's book "Reading the Quran"

This study aims to describe the homosexual discussion in Ziauddin Sardar's book Reading The Qur'an. As text research, the research method used is qualitative with an interpretive-literary approach. The data collection technique was carried out in a documentative manner. Meanwhile, the data analysis was carried out in an explanatory-hermeneutic manner. The research results mention homosexuality as an act that is not explicitly explained in the Al-Qur'an. Homosexuality occurs because of an innate instinct or life choice. Homosexual acts in the contemporary era cannot be attributed to the sexual violence that occurred in the story of the Prophet Lut AS. Where the people of the Prophet Lut AS committed sexual violence through intimidation and cruelty. Meanwhile, homosexual culture in contemporary culture refers to the sexual hedonist attitude of a person who is motivated by psychological, health, hedonism, economic, and technological pressure factors. Homosexuals cannot be punished cruelly according to Islamic sources. So with that, as fellow human beings, we still have to respect homosexual perpetrators according to human nature, and not respect their actions. Despite this, homosexual behavior still undermines the social fabric


Homosexual; Reading The Qur’an; Zainuddin Sardar

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.29240/alquds.v5i2.2563


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